Tri-Village School Foundation
What is the Tri-Village School Foundation Fund?
The Tri-Village School Foundation is a special fund, separate from public funds or other scholarship funds, used to support programs which assist and encourage the achievement of the highest standards of education of the young people within the Tri-Village school district through scholarship opportunities.
What will my gift do?
Your gift to Tri-Village School Foundation Fund is an investment in the young people and the future of our community. The gift will promote excellence and provide additional opportunities to our young people to acquire skills to promote economic development.
What is the goal of the Tri-Village Schools Foundation Fund?
To promote student academic achievement and financial assistance through scholarship funds. Your gift will give hope to our students and unlock their potential.
To make a contribution, please print off the appropriate form and bring it to the office or mail it to:
Tri-Village School Foundation
Attn: Foundation Fund
315 S. Main St.
PO Box 31
New Madison, OH 45346