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Principal's Corner

Mr. Mead, Elementary Principal

Mr. Mead, Elementary Principal

It is with great excitement that we prepare for the challenges of the 2023-24 school year. I am excited that the staff and students are in the building all working together for the betterment of our students and community. I am looking forward to a great year and being a part of your child’s education. We have set our goals high and will work diligently to obtain those goals, which ultimately would make us a school of educational excellence.

The 2022-2023 school was a great success with our most recent State Report Card rating us a 5 star school district.  We are very proud of our students, staff and parents for helping us reach this goal.  There were only two school districts in Darke County who reached the 5 star status.  We will once again strive to maintain this 5 star status for the 2023-2024 school year.  

Once again Tri-Village Elementary has qualified for federal funds and will remain a School Wide Title I Program based on our free and reduced lunch population. This has allowed us to hire a number of additional qualified teachers who will be working closely with our children. They will be used in multiple ways within our classrooms. They will be co-teaching with our regular education classroom teachers serving the entire classroom population, working with our students in small groups, and working one-on-one with students who need some extra support within the classroom setting. This program is very beneficial for the educational development of our students. It is our goal to shrink the achievement gap of our students and this program is a valuable tool which will assist us in obtaining that goal.

It is a very challenging, but exciting time in education. Tri-Village Elementary will continue to overcome those challenges, build upon our recent successes, and strive for excellence in the classroom. Rest assured you have a dedicated, hard working, and knowledgeable staff of educators making data driven decisions to best educate your child.

Lastly, I encourage you to stay involved in your child’s education. Converse with them about their day at school and ask them what they learned on a daily basis. This will only reinforce the importance of their education. You, as a parent, are a very important piece to your child’s education. Please take the time to get to know what your child is learning at Tri-Village Elementary School.


Shane Mead   

U.S. News & World Report Recognizes Tri-Village Local Schools among the 2024 Best Elementary and Junior High Schools

Press Release

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Washington, D.C. – December 13, 2023 – Tri-Village Junior High and Elementary Schools has been ranked among the 2024 Best Elementary and Junior High Schools by U.S. News & World Report. The rankings include more than 79,000 public elementary and junior high schools across the country. 

“We are extremely proud of our students, staff, and community as both Tri-Village Elementary School and Junior High School earned “badges” of excellence through the U.S News & World Report rankings, said Josh Sagester, District Superintendent.  

The methodology focuses on state assessments of students who were proficient or above proficient in mathematics and reading/language arts while accounting for student backgrounds, achievement in core subjects, and how well schools are educating their students. Student-teacher ratios are applied to break ties in the overall score. 

The 2024 Best Elementary and Best Junior High Schools rankings are based on publicly available data from the U.S. Department of Education. 

“The 2024 Best Elementary and Junior High rankings offer a way for parents to get a snapshot of their child’s school and how well it is doing compared with other schools," said LaMont Jones, managing editor for education at U.S. News. “ 

About U.S. News & World Report

U.S. News & World Report is the global leader in quality rankings that empower consumers, business leaders and policy officials to make better, more informed decisions about important issues affecting their lives and communities. A multifaceted digital media company with Education, Health, Money, Travel, Cars, News, Real Estate, Careers and 360 Reviews platforms, U.S. News provides rankings, independent reporting, data journalism, consumer advice and U.S. News Live events. More than 40 million people visit each month for research and guidance. Founded in 1933, U.S. News is headquartered in Washington, D.C. 


Elementary Office

Mr. Shane Mead
Elementary Principal

Mrs. Misty Brummett
Elementary Secretary

Kindergarten Registration

2024-2025 School Year

MARCH 1, 2024
Please do not register ahead of time, you will be enrolled in the incorrect school year and could require duplicate forms.  

After reading all the instructions below, complete Final Forms by clicking on the ENROLL ONLINE button at the bottom of this page.

If your student is currently attending Wee Patriot Preschool, please log into FinalForms and you will see your student.  Please select the blue box for registration for the 2024-2025 school year and select lets get started.  You will then see your forms on the left hand side to complete.  

A child is eligible for entrance into kindergarten if s/he attains the age of five (5) on or before August 1st of the year in which s/he applies for entrance.


1.  When you click the Enroll Online button below, you will be taken to a page that has options for a parent to create an account or use an existing Final Forms account (this includes WeePats). If you have students who are currently enrolled in TV, please select login to access your account and click add new student. Creating an account allows you to complete the Final Forms process and allows you to update information in the registration forms if it should change in the future. Please make sure you are registering for the 2024—2025 school year.

2.  Once you have created an account, you will be taken to Final Forms.   Follow the instructions and complete all forms listed. 

3.  If you do not have access to the internet, you can visit the school office and use the computers there. ALL ONLINE FINAL FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE A STUDENT MAY ATTEND TRI-VILLAGE SCHOOLS.

Mrs. Brummett, Elementary School secretary or Mrs. Shellie Francis, Executive Administrative Assistant, will reach out to you using the contact information provided in Final Forms to discuss documentation that is needed prior to screening and enrollment.   Documents needed are as follows and will need to be turned into the District Office in the Patriot Activity Center:

* Certified Birth Certificate
* All special education/504 documents (if applicable)
* Immunization Records
* Proof of Residence
* Custody Papers (if applicable)
* Health Physical (forms for your physician to complete can be picked up in the office prior to your child’s appointment)

Once you have completed your online Final Forms and the elementary office has the documentation listed above, then your child will need to attend a Kindergarten screening which will be held at the end of May early June.  The Elementary Secretary will contact you to set up your screening one month before the scheduled screenings. Please contact Misty Brummett at (937)996-1511 option 3 if you should have any questions. 

Elementary News

Parents Assisting Teachers and Students

Parents Assisting Teachers and Students

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