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Jaimie Rudmann
Food Service Supervisor


FREE AND REDUCED APPLICATIONS - All applications must be filled out. These applications must be done on Final Forms and completed by September 27, 2024.  

Those who qualify this year will automatically get 30 days of free lunches to start the next school year. ALSO - The district receives federal funding for programs like Title I Reading. The funds are directly tied to the percentage of students eligible to receive free meals based on the completion of the forms. If families choose not to complete the application and would in turn be eligible, the district will ultimately lose funding used to pay for our Title I and Reading Recovery Teachers. 

The school breakfast program will begin on 8/27/2024.  This service is available for the entire student body.  In the event school is on a delay or for late bus arrivals we will provide a Grab and Go breakfast for students to take back to their classroom.  Our breakfast program will be offering both hot and cold breakfast items.  Please have students that walk arrive at breakfast promptly.  The time is 7:40-8:05 A.M.

CHARGES & PAYMENT - Please refer to the new school meal lunch policy provided via final forms.  This policy is very important to parent and guardians as:

  1. Students with negative balances cannot purchase ala carte items and ala carte items cannot be charged
  2. Payments for all cafeteria charges can be made online at
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jaimie Rudmann at 937-996-1511 ext 1215

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