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Grading Rubric for Language Assessment

Risk taking/Details added
Consistently easy to understand, complete with a beginning, middle and end
A wide variety of vocabulary words (more than just from current lesson.)  "Impress me'" items used. Consistent accuracy in use of vocabulary.
Very good spelling/very good pronunciation/accent.  Almost no grammar mistakes.  Flows
The story is very creative with lots of details.  Consistent use of transition words, insertion of colorful comments.  Attempt to use new expressions, etc. throughout.
Complete answers in conversation.
Easy to understand for the most part, complete with beginning, middle and end
Adequate variety of vocabulary used.  Majority of words used correctly.
Good spelling/pronunciation/accent.  Few grammar mistakes.  Flows smoothly for the most part.
The story is creative with a fair amount of details.  Frequent use of transitions words, and insertion of colorful comments  Occasional use of new expressions, etc. Some details in responses in conversation
Fairly easy to follow, but there are a few rough spots
Used the language necessary to tell the story.  Basic vocabulary used correctly.
Mostly correct, but some difficulty with spelling or pronunciation/accent and with grammar.
Some creativity.  Some elaboration.  Sporadic use of  transition words, colorful comments. Answers limited to responses learned in class.
Difficult to understand/follow, but had a few bright spots
Vocabulary did not go beyond current lesson, not used correctly.
A great deal of difficulty with spelling or pronunciation/accent and with grammar.  Message difficult to understand.
Little creativity. Very few details.  No use of transition words, colorful language, etc. Conversational responses of few words, but difficult to understand.
Story/Conversation was consistently difficult to follow
The story/conversation lacks needed words and/or has misused words.
 Little attempt made to spell correctly or to use native-like pronunciation/accent.  Significant errors in usage or grammar
which impedes comprehension.
Summarization of the story, minimum effort/one word responses in conversation.

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