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Board Letters

Dear Mr. Schlechty,
           Ohio Rev. Code 117.53 requires the Auditor of State to identify whether a school district or community school has adopted an anti-harrassment policy and also states, "This determination shall be recorded in the audit report."  To insure Tri-Village Local Schools documents its firm belief in confronting bullying and other forms of aggressive behavior and to be in compliance with state law the following report is being filed.  This report will also be posted on the School's Website where the Board Policies and Administravtive Guidelines are also available to the public at  Board Policy covers bullying and other forms of aggressive behavior in policy number 5517.01. Information for parent and students are also appropriately stated in the student code of conduct provided to every student and witnessed by every parent. 
              During the 2022-2023 school year the K-12 buildings reported __ students involved in bullying and other forms of aggressive behavior.  Meaning 1.15% of the student body engaged in such activity. The consequence ranged from detention to out-of-school suspension.
                The district has provided in-service training to all staff and has plans to offer training to all certified/licensed staff in 2023-2024 to prevent bullying and other forms of aggressive behavior.   The Darke County Council on Rural Services addressed our students on the inappropriateness of harassing behavior.  There were multiple assemblies to teach students not to bully or harass.  Some instructional time was spent addressing preventing harassing behavior.  While we know we will never rid all of these activities from occurring we are committed to educating our students not to engage in this activity and we will continue to enforce the student code of conduct to ensure that violators receive consequences.

Josh Sagester
Superintendent of Schools
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